
Internet searching. There is much more than meets the eye when you type in a phrase to Google or any other search engine. Search engines are one of 3 different search tools. The tools are, meta-search engines, Directories and search engines. When you use a meta-search engine the engine is allowing searches to be sent to several search engines, the results will be blended into one page and it doesn’t “crawl” the web to build listings.

If you want to narrow your search more you should put quotations around the phrase or “minus” things that you don’t need.

The Importance of Guide Lines

There are a lot of guide lines that I think are very important to follow. Though there are 3 that I think are more important than others. 

1.  Only post things that you would want everyone to know –Ask yourself: Is this something I want everyone to see?

2. Think before you post – Ask yourself: What could be the consequences of this post?

3. Know who you’re communicating with –Ask yourself: Who is going to look at this, and how are they going to interpret my words?

The 3 above are taken from here.

“The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough. Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated.”

― Katharine Hepburn

I think this quote is true but lacking the good part of life. There are wonderful parts of life full of big and little great things. You shouldn’t just look on the bad when there is so much more to see.

“The thing abou…